Managers and League Officials:
This note reinforces a long-standing practice in Wyoming American Legion Baseball. Please take care of this immediately to prevent unfortunate situations and possible injuries to players and/or fans.
The list:
- Keep the dugout and the field area around dugouts clean at all times (no chairs, buckets, bats, helmets, catching equipment, anything else, etc., allowed outside of the dugouts). Umpires are asked to keep this area clean outside of dugouts for safety reasons, and to stop the game until it is clean.
- All personnel of both teams must be in their team’s dugout or bullpen and remain there until the ball has been declared dead or the side has been retired. This excludes the batter, the on-deck batter, base runners, base coaches and the nine defensive players.
- No dugout visitation by friends, siblings and parents. Visitation can happen after the game is completed.
- Players, manager and coaches outside of dugouts (base coaches, on- deck batter) shall wear helmets. Bullpen etiquette inside field: Players shall be provided protection if his/her back is turned to the field. Player providing protection shall wear helmet.
- Bat girls/boys must wear helmets on the field, and must remain in the dugout at all times, except when retrieving equipment after play happens.
- Everyone in the dugouts, including players, coaches and managers, shall wear the same uniform.
- Storage of materials (with common-sense exceptions) shall be outside the field.
Thanks to everyone … let’s take care each other and keep everyone safe.